


Effortlessly organize social gatherings to hang out with your friends

A one minute video is equal to

1.8 million words

Simplify event planning and make group gatherings, including team building, more enjoyable than ever.

Organize a casual hangout with friends, a weekend adventure, or a special celebration

With intuitive features and a vibrant user experience, planning and joining events has never been this easy and exciting


event creation

Creating events with GroupUp is a breeze, offering you a range of powerful tools to customize every detail according to your preferences. Make every event a masterpiece with the following features

Location Integration

Seamlessly integrate Google Maps to pinpoint the event's location, ensuring everyone can find their way effortlessly.

Real-Time Weather

Stay prepared for any weather conditions, enhancing the event experience for all participants.

Event Emojis

Choose from a wide range of event emojis to visually represent the occasion's theme or mood.

Vote Time Limit

Implement a time limit for event-related voting, streamlining decision-making.

  1. Team building

    October 19th, 2023
  2. Mountain trip

    August 23th, 2023
  3. Beach Party

    June 04th, 2023
  4. Outdoor Picnic

    May 13th, 2023
  5. Movie Marathon Night

    February 05th, 2023
  6. Game Tournament

    January 10th, 2023


history timeline

With every event documented in chronological order, the GroupUp history timeline is more than a collection of memories - it's a testament to the bonds that grow stronger with each gathering.

Visual Storytelling

The timeline visually maps out your event history, highlighting the special occasions that have marked your collective experiences.

Event Details at Your Fingertips

Click on individual events to dive into the details - from event descriptions and locations to participant lists.

Enhanced Planning

Build on the successes of the past, learning from previous gatherings to create even more memorable experiences.

Cherished Memories

From birthdays to spontaneous outings, each event contributes to the unique tapestry of your group's history



Let others know if you're offering rides and how many available seats, making group travel a breeze.

Reduced Planning Stress

With transport coordination integrated into the event, participants can focus on the fun and excitement of the event rather than worrying about travel logistics.

Efficient Ride Sharing

Plan travel logistics within your group by indicating if you're offering rides. Maximize efficiency by sharing vehicles and minimizing the environmental impact.

Seat Availability

Indicate the number of available seats in your vehicle, allowing others to know if they can join your ride. This eliminates confusion and ensures everyone finds suitable transportation.

5 vehicles, 20 seats

  • avatar

    Liam Anderson

    5 seats

  • avatar

    Olivia Williams

    2 seats

  • avatar

    Sophia Lee

    9 seats

  • avatar

    Jackson Patel

    1 seat

  • avatar

    Owen Mitchell

    3 seats


event apps

GroupUp goes beyond traditional event planning by offering in-event applications, allowing you to customize and enhance your gatherings with specialized features. These apps are designed to add an extra layer of excitement, coordination and fun to your events.

Secret Santa
  • Wish list
  • Anonymous gift exchange
  • Get notified and notify others
Team Generator
Available soon
  • Instant results
  • Custom criteria
  • Randomize teams
Room Organizer
Available soon
  • Effortless room assignments
  • Preferences and restrictions



Get instant notifications for event creations and updates, ensuring you never miss a beat.

New eventIt is pizza time ๐Ÿ•
Event changedPicnic location changed ๐Ÿงบ
Friend requestJohn Doe wants to be your friend ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป

GroupUp is a must-have for event organizers. It's a comprehensive app that simplifies every aspect of event planning. After using it extensively for the past few years, I highly recommend it!

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Graphic Designer

GroupUp has transformed the way we plan family events and vacations. Gone are the days of endless emails and confusing group chats. Now, everything is in one place, making organization seamless and enjoyable. Highly recommended for any group outing!

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CEO at G-Soft Solutions

GroupUp changed how I plan and communicate with my friends. Its intuitive interface and powerful features make organizing events a breeze. GroupUp is suitable for your casual night out plans, as well as work projects.

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Student at King's College London

A highly intuitive and constantly evolving environment, containing all the important features for managing group events. A must for groups trying to organize activities, meetings, gatherings. Perfect for both personal and professional use. Highly recommend!

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Sat Payload Engineer, OHB